Day 7

Having settled in at Richmond we planned a tourist adventure around Hobart in and out of the rain.cadburys

First stop the Cadbury’s factory “tour”, very scripted basically a cruise around the shop with a little demo and video in the theatrette. Not much of a tour of the factory but plenty of free chocolate and cheap chocolate. We come away laden with calories and sugar. The kids loved it.

cascadeOn to the Cascade Brewery with lunch in the car. Far more of a traditional factory tour including the safety instruction, yellow vests and safety goggles. Got to peek here and there, some interesting stories and free samples after. Who knew there could be so many varieties of beer. Also the bottle line was amazing with dancing lines of bottles snaking around the place. Nice little cafe where you can get your tastings and a bowl of chips as the rain sleeted down.

With a break in the weather we wind our way up Mt Wellington. Don’t get near the top as the snow starts to fall and we decide we needed to escape the car. Have a great time running around in the snow, throwing snow balls and trying to make snow men, until Siobhan realises canvas shoes aren’t good in the snow and her feet are freezing. Head back down the hill to chilly Hobart and Salamanca Place. (Sure I saw the ranger closing gates as we drove down)Snowfight on Mt Wellington

Wander through the wind and rain of the docks looking at interesting craft shops and argue over what to do about dinner. Finally decide we are all too cold to think rationally and drive back to Richmond for takeaway and getting warm in front of the TV.

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