Daily Archives: October 8, 2010

Off to Tassie

Over the coming weeks I hope to post a summary of our trip to Tassie in the September holidays, together with some photos.

Margot’s Book Launch

These posts seem to get more retrospective rather than live actions.
However on 6th June (I think) we celebrated the launch of Margot’s book, “Taking on the Challenge”.
Cath was very impressed with the plan to celebrate Margot’s life of adventure and service and helped contribute ideas, information and pictures, so it seemed fitting to have the formal launch at our place. While it was slightly disappointing that more wasn’t made of Margot’s time in Thailand, were we saw her in action, it was fascinating to read about the story of the founding of the Grail Nuns and some of Margot’s adventures.
Margot, Judy & Maggie gathered to celebrate with us in style & the odd glass of champagne.Margot & company